New forge Bridge Crane at Le Creusot
Creusot Forge is one of the world’s few forges capable of producing the large parts required to manufacture the nuclear island’s primary components, having delivered nearly 3,000 forgings and castings for the reactor coolant system used in nuclear facilities around the world.
In the expansion project of the Creusot Forge site, TAIM WESER was responsible of the supply of a new heavy-duty bridge crane of 315 ton of capacity in forging conditions and up to 420 ton in special maintenance works.

The Challenge Achieved
This heavy-duty forge crane is located at the press workshop of the plant to perform the production process of large forgings and castings in carbon steel and stainless steel, which are required to manufacture the primary components of a nuclear power plant.

The performance of TAIM WESER in this project has been satisfactory and the equipment has been working according to our specifications since it was put into service 10 years ago.