Waterbeach Mechanical Biological Treatment plant
AmeyCespa is one of the leading providers of recycling, composting, anaerobic digestion and waste management services.
In this project, TAIM WESER was chosen to supply the new machinery for the biological treatment of the plant with its renowned and reliable system, Rotopala, which consists of a fully automated to decompose and stabilize the organic fraction of the waste in order to obtain an output product with significantly lowered biodegradable content (BMW diversion) which can be landfilled without any post-treatment by further refining or curing, contributing to reduction as required by the EU- Landfill Directive, or can be used elsewhere as Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) in Waste-to-Energy Units.

The Challenge Achieved
The supply was scheduled to be finalized within less than nine months and due to great efforts, the mechanical and biological installation was completed ahead of schedule and plant commissioning started earlier than expected.